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Caltech Quotes

Headshot of Jim Ehlers
  • Former Executive Director of Gift Planning

Jim Ehlers

“I’m a strong believer in education and in Caltech. As a fundraising professional, I also think it’s important for me to walk the walk. So, I’ve made unrestricted gifts to Caltech since 2015. This year, I learned that faculty in the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences are contributing their own funds to help the division recruit underrepresented minorities. I was so impressed, I decided to support that initiative, too.”

  • Associate Director, Stewardship Communications

John Davison

"I am continually struck by how supportive and collaborative my AAR colleagues are, in and outside of the office. No one hesitates to share their expertise or lend a helping hand."

Dexter A. Bailey, Jr.
  • Vice President for Advancement and Alumni Relations

Dexter A. Bailey, Jr.

Despite our intimate size, Caltech is consistently ranked among the very best institutions of higher education in the world. From its founding, the Institute has been bolstered by the generosity and foresight of its donors. Philanthropy remains the driving force in maintaining our leadership position and empowering our outstanding faculty and students to take on the most complex problems and embrace curiosity-driven research to benefit humanity."

Henry Blauvelt (PhD '83)
  • Caltech Alum

Henry Blauvelt (PhD ʼ83)

"Caltech students are dedicated, enthusiastic, and, of course, very smart. I credit Caltech for advancing both my abilities and my career. So, helping the next generation as an adviser and a donor just makes sense to me."

Portrait of Stephen Mayo
  • Bren Professor of Biology and Chemistry; Merkin Institute Professor

Steve Mayo (PhD '87)

"It’s hard to think of any major advance that’s happened at Caltech that hasn’t been impacted by philanthropy."

Photo of Frances Arnold
  • Linus Pauling Professor of Chemical Engineering, Bioengineering and Biochemistry; Director, Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Center; Nobel Laureate

Frances Arnold

"It takes resources to do hard science. It’s risky. A lot of places, a lot of conservative government funders wouldn’t fund these early-stage, seemingly crazy ideas. So, we really rely on philanthropic support."