Name an Endowment
Endowed gifts offer reliable and lasting support that can aid generation after generation of faculty and students. Caltech endowments are managed to last and can underwrite the initiatives and programs most important to you, including fellowships, professorships, and research funds.
For additional information about named endowments, call the Caltech Development Office at (626) 395-4863.
Learn more about how Caltech manages its endowment investments:
Leadership Chairs
Provide discretionary funding that allows executive officers, department chairs, and center and institute directors to spur extraordinary science and technology and cultivate great ideas.
Professorial Chairs
Recognize and sustain the work of world-leading scholars. Named chairs aid in recruitment and are the highest honor Caltech bestows on its faculty.
Visiting Professorships
Help bring distinguished scientists, engineers, and educators from around the world to Caltech for meaningful collaboration and teaching.
Visiting Instructorships
Help bring recent PhD recipients to Caltech, creating opportunities for diverse research collaborations and teaching experiences.
Visiting Lectureships
Allow Caltech to invite outside scholars to campus to augment teaching staff for specific programs and create opportunities for collaboration with faculty.
Faculty Recruitment/Retention Funds
Give Caltech a distinguishing advantage in attracting the most promising faculty and fostering the careers of talented teachers and researchers.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Give outstanding early-career PhDs incomparable opportunities and help Caltech recruit a diverse cohort of postdoctoral scholars.
Graduate Fellowships
Provide Caltech graduate students the freedom to pursue their passions and to focus on their research, teaching, and futures instead of their funding.
Study-Abroad/Travel Funds
Empower undergraduates who want to explore the world in order to enrich their Caltech education.
Internship Funds
Support the Summer Undergraduate Internship Program, which allows students to gain real-world experience in practical settings—from labs to boardrooms.
Give students the chance to participate in unparalleled hands-on research experiences and mentoring through the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships (SURF) program.
Undergraduate Scholarships
Allow Caltech to continue its need-blind admissions policy and ensure that students can focus on their studies and extracurriculars rather than their finances.
Division and Department Namings
Provide discretionary resources that allow division chairs and department leaders to invest in strategic initiatives, strengthen academic and research programs, and respond to urgent needs and time-sensitive opportunities.
Institute/Research Center Namings
Create or bolster a multidisciplinary institute or research center, enabling Caltech to accelerate the pace of groundbreaking discovery. These hubs for innovation give scholars the flexibility they need to pursue their best ideas through workshops, lectures, seed funds, student support, and new collaborative projects.
Discovery Funds
Help to advance time-sensitive, promising research that—simply for lack of discretionary funds—otherwise might not be pursued.
New Buildings/Renovations
Support the construction or renovation of buildings and spaces that are essential to Caltech's unique teaching and research environment.
Campus Sustainability Funds
Help Caltech pursue innovative ways to reduce its environmental impact and model and promote ecological stewardship.