Make an Outright Gift
Caltech is a Section 501(c)3 nonprofit and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes. Please consult with your tax advisor or the IRS for more information.
Make an online gift on or before December 31 to qualify for a federal income tax charitable deduction for the current year.
Caltech's Tax ID Number is 95-1643307.
There are many ways to make an outright gift of cash or another personal asset. Here are some options:
Credit Card
Making a gift using our secured website is the fastest and most convenient way you can support Caltech, allowing your gift to be put to use right away. Give now using your Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
Please make your check payable to Caltech, either specify your gift designation in the memo line or include an accompanying note, and mail the check to our JPMorgan Chase lockbox at the following address:
Advancement and Alumni Relations
P.O. Box 102963
Pasadena, CA 91189-2963
Wire and Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
To make an outright gift through a wire or electronic funds transfer, please follow these instructions.
Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
Caltech frequently receives donations through organizations that manage Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs), such as Fidelity Charitable, Schwab Charitable, and Vanguard Charitable. To make a grant recommendation from your DAF, follow these steps:
- Log in to your DAF account or contact your DAF provider.
- Select Caltech as the recipient charity and specify the grant amount.
- For ease of identification, use Caltech's Tax ID number: 95-1643307.
- If Caltech is not already set up for electronic payment with your DAF, instruct your provider to mail the grant check to the following address:
Advancement and Alumni Relations
P.O. Box 102963
Pasadena, CA 91189-2963
- Specify the purpose of your gift (e.g., a specific program or fund) to ensure proper allocation.
Stocks and Securities
With gifts of appreciated securities—stocks, bonds, or mutual funds that have increased in value—you can support Caltech while earning an income-tax deduction equal to the fair market value. You will not be assessed capital gains taxes on the transfer.
Please complete the Stock Notification Form. For step-by-step instructions on transferring your stocks and securities to Caltech, please see the Gifts of Stock page.
To make a one-time or recurring gift through eChecks, you may provide your bank account and routing number directly to one of our gift specialists. Please call (626) 395-6323 to schedule a time to provide your information. Do not send this information via email.
IRA Charitable Rollover
The IRA charitable rollover is a terrific way to make a tax-free gift to Caltech. See how your gift can satisfy your required minimum distribution without increasing your income taxes.
To make an IRA charitable rollover gift, please contact your bank or broker who holds the IRA. Ask them to issue a check payable to Caltech and reference "Qualified Charitable Distribution" in the memo portion. They can then send your gift to our JPMorgan Chase lockbox at the following address:
Advancement and Alumni Relations
P.O. Box 102963
Pasadena, CA 91189-2963
Specify or notify Caltech about the purpose of your gift (e.g., a specific program or fund) to ensure proper allocation.
Make your gift to Caltech via Venmo @CaltechGiving, or use the QR code below. Please be sure to include your full name, email address, and gift designation in the "What's it for?" box that accompanies your Venmo transaction so we can provide your tax receipt and direct your contribution appropriately.

Payroll Deduction
Caltech faculty and staff can support Caltech via payroll deduction. Complete the Payroll Deduction Form and email to giftprocessing@caltech.edu or mail to:
Gifts and Records, MC 5-32
1200 E. California Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91125
Caltech is pleased to accept gifts of more than 50 kinds of cryptocurrencies, and giving is easy using our donation widget. Give cryptocurrency now.
Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Programs
Many employers will financially match all or a percentage of charitable contributions made by employees, retirees, and spouses, or provide grants to organizations where employees volunteer. It's an easy way to increase your contribution to Caltech. To learn more about matching gifts, and to find out whether your employer offers such a program, please see our Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Programs page.
Personal Property
Caltech accepts gifts of personal property—such as antiques, fine art, library books, or musical instruments—with a qualified appraisal. For more information, please visit Caltech's Office of Gift Planning website or call (626) 395-2927.
Real Estate
Your residence or other real estate property can be given to Caltech now or as a planned gift. As an added benefit, you may give your home to Caltech and still retain the right to live in it, an option known as a retained life estate.
For more information, visit Caltech's Office of Gift Planning website or call (626) 395-2927.