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Caltech Quotes

Photo of President Thomas F. Rosenbaum
  • Sonja and William Davidow Presidential Chair and Professor of Physics

President Thomas F. Rosenbaum

“Philanthropy is essential to realize the breakthroughs we’re seeing. Philanthropy allows you to take risks. It allows you to push the limits of your imagination.”

Richar Merkin holding a framed photo
  • Caltech Trustee; Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Provider Network

Richard Merkin

"Watching the Institute’s stewardship of resources as a trustee makes me very comfortable investing as a benefactor. Supporting Caltech and its faculty and students is a much broader investment in a better future—not just for the local community, not just for the United States, but, really, for the world."

Portrait of Joe Kiani
  • Caltech Trustee; Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Masimo Foundation

Joe Kiani

"Caltech has propelled the human race forward throughout its rich history. We have to make sure its work continues."